My life was tough, but, no tougher than any of these others. I ran from God for years, I am 53 yrs old now. I knew what was right, I had been brought up in the Word just not a part of the Word! Been in the bike world for years , love Motorcycles! Loved the bike world! I could escape my guilt, heartache, and loneliness! 
Then you have these great things called Kids who in turn grow up and have these other things called Grandchildren. Being children are innocent and open, and will call you out! 
When I figured out that my way of living isnt an example for such little noble beings, which hit me pretty hard, I started looking for a way to be that example that they deserved! 
God was calling me and I actually paid attention! God was always calling, I just turned a deaf ear, to my shame!
One evening my granddaughter checked me on my language, I was so ashamed! God had really stepped it up! I saw how poor of an example I was being and how much time I had wasted, I began reading the Word! God really pressed my heart, using that innocent little, beautiful girl I will add, and I felt such conviction! 
For the first time I heard God! I heard him telling me I needed to be a man of God, Of faith! I needed and wanted to be a better husband, father, grandfather!
God reached in and took a heart that had done my best to not feel anymore and he made me feel. That night sitting alone I prayed for the first time in a long time, probably the first time in my life, for forgiveness and gave forgiveness! I asked God to please come into my heart and guide me and lead me to be the man he meant for me to be! Mold me! Guide and lead me, so that I may lead my grandchildren, children, wife and family into the light! 
I’ll be honest I was so overwhelmed by his Love and his grace! I could have never given any of my children to save anyone, yet, God did, for me, for you! Jesus came not to be served but serve and give his life as ransom for the many!! I knew that was the love that I wanted and wanted for my children and their children! 
I didnt know where to start, God led me to a ministry! A group of men that didn’t just talk the talk, they lived it! My journey began with guidance from younger men that had listened to Gods calling! For that I will be forever grateful!! So here I am, not perfect, flawed in so many ways, but Forgiven!!! I hope and Pray that God touches each of your lives the way he has mine!!! To men and familes of the Least of Saints MC I love you and pray God blesses you and continue to use you! Much love honor and respect!!! God Bless!!!

Daniel Glascock
LOS Supporter


  1. God can use anyone to get our attention. Having 3 new grandsons less than 6 months old, i csn relate to ghis testimony.

  2. Thank you for sharing.