The Least of Saints Motorcycle Club is a Christian based non-profit organization.
We dedicate our time and effort in reaching out to the local communities.
As a diverse group of brothers equipped with powerful testimonies, our goal is to win souls for the Kingdom. Whether it’s a simple prayer request or hosting a community outreach event, we are spiritually armed with the word of God to fight the good fight in 

“Leading The Lost To The Cross”

National President

National Vice President

National Sgt at Arms
Lost Boy

National Treasurer

National Road Captain

National Road Captain

National Event Coordinator
Poppa G


The Least of Saints Motorcycle Club is always looking for new members. If you are interested in joining our Motorcycle Club, please contact us below. Tell us about yourself and why you are interested in becoming a member. We will then have a member of the club contact you. God bless!

Contact Us

If you would like to get into contact with someone from the National chapter, please fill out the form below: